Sunday, May 19, 2024

Screw It 1: copy and pasted game sceanrio and its session

 Six Weeks Wobble: 17. May. 24

Artwork by Randy Market. Copyright the artist and Peryton Publishing, 2012

Space Nazis on the Moon versus Radio Apes from the Tau Verse
So Viago and Daisy Adair are called back to Prime Earth (Mu Gamma-2) because though the time stream hook was disabled months ago, there is something, or someone, that keeps sending signals trying to tap into it. That means someone is trying to reactivate it. When they, the PCs, show up they find that the signal is not coming from Earth but instead from the other side of the moon. And it’s nazis, from the moon, that are doing so.

The PCs will be ambushed by the “Mondtrupplen” (moon-troopers) and most likely captured. Unless they do something to hide the Albatross, it will be seized by the space nazis when they are captured. What is happening is that an outpost of the Uber-Worlds in the Omega Verse, that is actually from the future is trying to reestablish the connection.

Mondsritter, Q 70-120

Unteranfuhrer, Q 100-120
One per five moon-troopers. 1-6 on bravery scale.

Oberst Pierre Blik, Mondplatzbefehshaber, Q 150. 4th Level Digger
Colonel Blik is the commander of the moonbase. He is from the future and his main mission is to make contact with the Uber-Worlds in this time period’s Omega Verse, which he has not been able to do. He has made contact with the Hitler Brain.

The nazis attempts to contact the future have not just been noticed by the Clock Trees. An outpost of Radio-Apes from Procyon has noticed and has sent a probe team to investigate. Of course shooting first and figuring stuff out later is the Overmind’s preferred way for “investigating” things-- they can always put things back together from rubble if need be.

Monitor Monkeys, Q 90-120
Some are veterans, while a couple are replacements. Varies in levels of experience and autonomous thought.

ZiraAppliance Ape +, Q 260
Medical/Repairs office of the raiding party.

Quick-267 Appliance Ape, Q 200
Science officer of the raiding party.

Quack-78, Appliance Ape, Q 100

1X4 "Connor," Robo-Rilla, Q 300
Commander of the raiding party.

Opening: Viago and Daisy get captured by Nazis. The villains of course reveal exactly what they are doing. And then they reveal that they have fond the body of Adolph Hitler. When they awaken him, Der Fuhrer seems a little off. He looks out at the fascists from the Omega Verse with a bit of chagrin and upon seeing our Professor he recognizes him. It’s Edmund Hitlervitz not Adolph Hitler.

Edmund (Hitler-Clone) Q 550, Ace
See Wobble, original text, for more details. In this case, this Wobbler is one of the Master Class. He is able to Wobble without devices given the “Days” rule. He’s been traveling between the dimensions for some thirty some-odd years now, he’s got quite a bit of lore.
Explain Mad Science
(MENTAL plus 3D)- He’s been around it to not only to recognize it quickly, he gets where it’s going a lot quicker than others.
Makes the Wrong Friends Fast
- While he’d like his CHARM rating to be about 10, it is multiplied by 2D when encountering new and unwritten about groups.

Act One: A Barrel of Monkeys
The Radio-Apes attack. Some ships of the Overmind

Banana Boat
Piloted by a Chief, a pilot, and a navigator. It can carry up to six ape-sized beings comfortably.
MAN 75
DEF 50
SPD 40
OFF 100
3 minimum.
Notes: Most common fighter used by Radio-Apes

Monkey Barrel
Gunboats of the Overmind.
MASS 140
MAN 75
DEF 50
SPD 80
OFF 100
3 minimum.
Notes: Piloted by a Chief, a pilot, and a navigator. It can carry up to ninety ape-sized beings comfortably. Capable of transporting two Banana Boat-sized ships.

Act Two: Moon Pies and Monkey Wrenches in the Works

Cool bits in the tool-kit:
1.) Flashbacks to Alejandro
Shadow shows of what he’s learned during his dalliances.
Discussion of Time-Slipping

2.) More about PRIME Earth (MU-Gamma 2)
The Mazel-Tough
Prime Earth’s Israeli secret space station with a super laser. Not so much interested in killing nazis as much as blowing up Arab stuff. Mentioning something “Palestinian” will get co-Captains Sid and Lewis’s attention.
MAN 75
DEF 50
SPD 80
OFF 100
Crew 3 minimum.
Notes: Piloted by a Chief, a pilot, and a navigator. It can carry up to two hundred human-sized beings comfortably. Capable of transporting four fighter-sized spacecraft.

Space fighter vessel of Prime Earth.
MAN 75
DEF 50
SPD 90
OFF 100
Notes: Most common fighter used by the Israeli Secret Space Force. Can carry up to four people uncomfortably.

Act Three: What Actually Happened

So a long term, but infrequent player showed up, needing a new Character and intro. Came up with a backstory for him. Played it out in parts. New Player Character Brick-Clone awoke aboard the Monkey Barrel coming to raid the nazi moonbase. In the medical bay, resembling a butcher shop mixed with an auto shop, of the vessel there were four other clones of him but not yet complete. He was able to break free from the “medical” Application-Apes’ “care.”
The Albatross wobbled into the Mu Gamma-2 universe and discovered the signal that they were tracking was coming from the far side of the moon, not the Earth. They also detected an UFO headed along towards the signal as well. This was the Radio-Ape ship, which they followed undetected due to the skill of the pilot, Dasiy Adair. They then and caught the new Player-Character, and four other our clones of their original when they were ejected from the gunboat. Professor Rudolpho Viago took a look at the new technology aboard his Wobble-Ship mostly ignoring the castaways. Daisy stepped in leaving the ship on autopilot.
So the Radio-Apes assaulted the Space Nazi moonbase. Our Characters stayed in orbit but hacked into what was going on through the complex's surveillance cameras. I was going to make a mini-game making one Player take the side of the nazis and the other the Radio-Apes, but no one was interested.
Because of the numerical advantage, and due to my rolling, the nazis were able to not only defeat the raiding party, but they captured the monkey barrel minus its cloning equipment-- the Players were too busy talking about the movie Barbarella to notice.
I railroaded Edmund Hitlervitch saving himself to inject the NPC into the wobbling party for the next session.

Rulings and New Rule(s) Developments during Play:
First Wobbles
Rule 117- When two or Wobblers encounter each other, they must make a SR not to go on a wobble. See random tables for where they go. GMs should tailor such tables to their scenario’s needs.
While striving to stay alive helps a Wobbler find out that they can wobble. Unless the PC has a strategy in mind, LUCK will be their ID Stat.
This is the conscious effort of the PC knowing that they can wobble. They decide their ID Stat and do things that utilize Saves to eventually have a wobble.

Clone’s Luck
Clone Characters are going to have identity issues as well as the disadvantage of being low level to No level at the games they enter into. If their first Saving Roll is within one or two points of a success, give them a break. They still receive no XP for that roll though.

Appliance Ape +
 A model of Appliance Ape that has advanced processing capacity, but unable to assume command positions.

That’s a Wrap:

Plot Points:
1.) Avoid death (100 XP)
2.) Save Edmund from nazi-enslavement (100 XP)
3.) Retrieve the Albatross (90 XP)
4.) Blow up the moonbase and its time-travel communicator to keep it out of the Overmind’s grasp. (75 XP)

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