Saturday, June 15, 2019

Every Time at a Table, June 15th: a "Simple" Wobble Scenario

The multiverse that is major component of any Wobble campaign game is big. I forget how big it is, until I have to dig into the notes. Holy crap. Who wrote all this stuff? So I decided to do a "simple" session  for the Tau Verse. Why I had four players returning with PCs already drawn up, and the two six-dice mechanic was pretty well established. But people do not see the plant life when they are running from hyenas so to speak. What I did not forgot is that everything is wrong in the Tau Verse.

What is written in the Wobble RPG setting is an okay overview, but how would players, with their Characters at roughly "2nd level", in D&D-speak,  start to understand that this place is just not where humans come to? Okay "dobber" wasps as space pirates. Radio-apes, stealing folks from rural America. G.I. Joe personas as major assholes. Somehow the ant-headed humanoids have come off as empathetic and decent people in my players' minds-- I meant that to happen.

This session was highlighted with the return of Professor Hammerhead (Jay) and Commander Frankie Berg (Jerry) coming back to the fray. They landed in a space station space made up of not many right angles nor really any regular shapes. They happened to be a floating ant-farm from the Trallvex antling world. The queen of the colony was presenting her first "showing" of artwork. She was inspired by a Life magazine featuring the work and philosophy of Andy Warhol. She invited as many humans as she could find hoping that Tommy Gun and Lady Ga-Ga would get the invite as well , to paraphrase somewhere alive in our world today, "Art can only be found in New York City." Following the reasoning that New York City is a city on most human Earths, the rest isn't hard to figure out.

Meanwhile on the Albatross, Captain Canada was performing "Evacuation Drills." Finally convincing Daisy Adair and Professor Rudy into an escape pod, the chuckles shared among the crew members would culminate in Arnie Moses (as an NPC) pulling the hilarious prank of launching it. He'd wink and blow kisses as the two PCs ejected into space. After an hour of outrage, with constant arguing with "mini-Laggy" (the ship's AI's escape pod babysitter), they'd stumble upon "the Showing." A pear-shaped space station with multiple spires attached as airlocks for visiting spaceships and whatnot. There just happened to receive an open invite for "humans." Once again, the ant queen artist hoping that Lady Ga-Ga and Tommy Gun would show up.

So the two PC parties would come together to attend the art house showing of Antling Queen's "Azza-Warhol" work complete with a special guest.

So everything in the showing was pretty respectable and what one expect. Except for that one ugly piece by the special guest artist. When the special piece of sculpture would start killing people with a pompadour pink glow, our characters had the presence of mind to figure out what was going on.The ship was being hijacked and apparently being used as a missile directed at a nearby peace conference site among various warring sectors in this part of the Tau Verse. But who were the squid-faced guys in the cloaks?

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