Tuesday, December 22, 2020

13-Page Worlds now 50 Cent Wonders

 Yes, Trent-Vor. Yes. I am still working on Red Bat: Playtested settings and T&T scenarios. I have six lined up, even roughly formatted, while I decide on how much help like say for editing and illustrating. Now I know most Batty buyers don't mind if it's just me doing the post production, but when it comes to illustrations I suck. When it comes to editing, I can barely type in English despite my creative affliction. I am still trying to up my game and if failing thinking of outside ppl to help while budgeting for them.

I have six of these so far needing refinement. See. I am working.
The "13-Page Worlds" has evolved into "50-Cent Wonders" as I usually can't keep the settings down to thirteen pages. And there is this currently amorphous need to revamp a web page just for Red Bat. Sorry they're taking so long, but things are going.

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