Saturday, July 22, 2023

Full On RPG Season

 I really wish I was at VengerCon right now
Now according to InterTube standards dictated to us by WebNet Influences and Disurptors, I should be meh about attending a small RPG convention where a bunch of rightwing and Alt-right froggies, according to warring Twits and Gits, get together, but I really wanted to go this year. First off, while whole-hearted fascists as well neoLiberals are there, the folks are mostly dungeon crawling fanatics that really don't like deconstruction of roleplaying tropes into posters for 18-34 y/os, without real jobs so with too much time on their hands, looking for something to be crusading against-- its called ageism as well as loafing.
The fabricated Left/Right divide among RPG fandom, VengerCon hopefully is a success this year. Why? Because it represents the author-GM as a force in creation of RPGS. That is against the current flow of pointless reasons why some gamers should hate other gamers.  Maybe it's not so pointless as folks trying to avoid ever really having a job, keep trying to make table top role playing into a real industry right up there with magazine racks in coffee shops and inner city subdivision lawn care in returns. Those goals just won't pay off but good for those over-educated sorts that don't have to pay rent.
A bit more seriously, yet possibly more inaccurate, smaller designer-driven conventions are the wave of the future for the RPG communities. If you want to feel like you're a part of something, get to know your local RPG whack job. It pays off. You make friends and see their trends whether you agree with them or not.
The hotel where VengerCon is also has some decent lox and cream cheese on the breakfast menu.

That's like your opinion.
My ongoing Wobble mini-campaign has been halted when Peryton posted in OUR RPG group, "Do I get to play Hitler?" Probably someone, most likely within the membership of the PeryPubbers, Peryton Gamers at FacetuBe, "reported" this statement. She has been banned from video chat rooms for, like, a month. 
One of the PC options in my current storyline, Edmund Weissenstein, is a clone of Hitler. He was raised by two Jewish wobblers from Santa Monica, California wanting to stave off the whole 1940s of their universe by time traveling back to when Adolf Hitler was 16 and obtaining a sample of him to give birth to a properly raised Hitler. They then planned to come back to exact same moment in time and replace their Hitler for the real Hitler. Wobble being a game where time travel is a hoax, things did not work well for the Weissensteins. But Edmund clone-Hitler would become an accomplished wobbler trying to escape all the Nazi fetishism in the multiverse.
I mean, it's not like Hitler is not a part of popular culture, most of us hate him, already.  No but sneaky concern trolls have started pointing their attention away from Twit Wars towards FacetuBe groups. Even if this just FacetuBe's algorithm being proactive, this needs to stop.

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