Saturday, February 22, 2025

A World a Week/Everytime at a Table: POW 2025


Building a Super-Character



Biggie- +2D PHYSICAL
Blaster- +2D NERVE
Brain- +2D MENTAL



Accident- Luck/5 (round up) Powers
Design- Chosen STAT/5 Powers
Mutation- 2D2 Powers
Item- D6 Powers



Flight-  At 3rd Level Physical X 10 MPH

Player Characters

Red Shift, Human, 1st Level Blaster
An accomplished US Army sniper, she suffered a devastating accident with a toxic waste truck while on deployment. While in intensive care a mad scientist, Colonel Maxwell Jorges, Dr. used his experimental pain relieving serum, Halcyon, and the street drug Mut-8, to assist the healing process.
Aim 27
Flight- She can fly as fast as her PHYSICAL Stat miles per hour.
Intangibility- Must be rolled below on the PHYSICAL Stat on a D66 to be successful.
Rage Blast- Able to throw bolts of rage, worth of NERVE Stat in damage. Armor can reduce the assault.
Illusion- using her ability to shift light she can shape surrounding light into mirages.
Sense (Radio Frequencies)- She can hear radio transmissions.

Lost Star, Human, 1st Level Biggie
A gifted engineer, his life changed when his construction crew uncovered the armband of Tonatiuh. Thus a lump of aged muck, chose him as the avatar of the Aztec sun god to protect the earth from predatory forces from without.
Invulnerability- He is impervious to as many Damage points as his PHYSICAL Stat before taking anything to his HITS.
Strength- His PHYSICAL Stat divided by ten (rounded up) will add that many dice towards any Strength-based Saving Roll. Note, that a Critical Failure can’t be helped.
Sun Blast- Able to throw bolts of glory, worth of CHARM Stat in damage. Armor can reduce the assault.
Flight- He can fly as fast as his PHYSICAL Stat miles per hour.
Fire, Immunity- Immune to the effects of open flame.
Fire, Shape- Can direct the flow of flames.

Burgeon City
One time the city was was rustic community known as Lotus Grove, but now it it is a burgeoning city of 640 thousand people and the epicenter of the NEW ENERGY WORLD.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Start to 2025's Spacers: 180°

Gary Anderson ripping off my Barracuda model spaceships
Brett, Kal Luin, couldn't make it. Still hung over from his B-Day some week ago, I presume. Iron Curtis, did though. So did Just Ben even if he was running a fever. Peryton even bothered to show up. So we went ahead and started this year's "main" Spacers campaign which has gelled into "The Tales of the Arcadia" over the last four years.

Odus Maximus, Brett's Crig species Character, not having found Nextremi 37 aboard the vessel, went into hibernation for a bit-- having full sentience as a warrior caste crig can be very taxing. The sought-after spacer, was piloting her small ship, the Space Face, back to the Arcadia, as it was headed into a Kirkland Gap in the Sol system's Asteroid Belt.

Two HULCHER 88s (previously-owned Barracuda model spaceships used for patrol and combat) came out of nowhere. Over hailing frequencies, they declared that they were acting as border control for the Cogrom Company and that our Spacers' vessel had to be prepared to be boarded for "inspection." The irony of the fascists HULCHERs working for the Panni-dominated invasion force as they claimed to be "Earth First" ideologues when they first became a thing in the backwaters of the Procyon solar systems (Kazakhstan-meets-Mississippi) was not missed. Well, being boarded wasn't going to happen, Alezander Deju, declared. Instead of preparing for combat both Ben and Curtis decided to talk their way out of conflict. The task was given to Gal Qixtar, despite he not being human-looking at all, using his Flex Perk from the rules.

Ben speaking for the reptile-ish Character of the Devvah species not only made a compelling speech, he rolled a straight "20" and had claimed very good bonuses already. Alezander piped in to offer them space-vessel insurance. The commanding pilots of the 88s both rolled a "2" and "6" on my side, so the human-supremacists' hearts just weren't in it. Maybe because the contradictions of working for the Panni Empire against humanity's homeworld or Cogrom Company just doesn't drop enough for mercenaries to square up against determined opposition, one of the 88s pulled away then the other followed.

At adult heights of about five to seven feet tall humanoids look like lizards. The oldest can tower over an Earth-born human. They also are hatched. They are quite intelligent and can smell/taste pheromones very well. They have to restrain themselves from licking others eyeballs–among themselves this is just considered to be saying hello. 
HP: 16
AC: 12
Save: 12
PYD: D10
HD: 2
Attack Bonus: nil
# of Attacks: 1
Damage: none
Special: The more established of them are negotiators of some renown for their ability to read their audience when in the same room. The Devvah are founding members of C.R.U.D. (Coalition of Reptilian-Looking Underwriters Dominion).

At this point, the Space Face, also a used Barracuda, landed into the hanger/garage of Arcadia's outer hull. There was a quick reunion but I did a cut away scene. Another HULCHER 88 approaching the ship, this one even crappier than the previous two encountered. Its pilot a Mohawk-haired guy in a dirty yellow wife-beater pulled off  just within range of our Character's main spaceship and pressed a red button. The cry of a crig queen calling for the defense of her nest was transmitted via radio signal.

Nextremi 37 has this Barracuda class spacecraft from an inheritance. It fits easily in the Arcadia.
Speed: 45
Maneuver: 75
Offense: 55
Defense: 20
Armor: 20
HITS: 30
Gravity Frames
Gravity-Well Capable

The Arcadia crew noticed the approaching ship pulling away. Not having communicaations established they didn't hear anything. But Odus Maximus did, did I mention certain crig have radio receivers as well as ears? A glow came his yellow eyes and he walked out of his sleeping pod onto the deck of the ship. Everyone turned to look at him and wish him a "good morning." Without a pause he, pushed Nextremi out of his way, and held up a Ben's Wrench going after the other PCs in front of him...

We ended the session there.

A HULCHER couple on a date night

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Non-Start to 2025's Spacers: 180°


Scenario The 812 War (1-2501):
the Arcadia is in Earthspace. “Earth space” doesn’t just mean species from Terra are dominant, it means these are the homeworlds of all Terran species. Like 99% of those are humans, but there are Chimps and Dolphins (Nu-dolphins) as well as some dogs and cats that are considered sentient citizens of these territories.

Alezander Delu is here because he has a genetic disease known as DULcina-167. It was a control measure worked into clone broods on Mars back in the Bad Old Days. The Spacer now knows his family on the red planet has been lying to him. He also needs the remedy for it.

Nextremi 37 seems to have had an incredible effect on Arodda (NPC) the Crig Hive-Queen of Wise Key 27. Last seen test driving the space vessel with Punches Pilot an UnbeliebaBot (very human-like android). She is being sought by the Crig General Space Jo who is under secret orders by his Matron. 

Gal Qixtar, the spy for the Kodoan 7th Federation of the Devvah species, is tasked with reporting on the Pannee invasion and to make things harder for either the Earthers or them, or both. His crewmates know that he’s a spy though. He finds it hard to mess with his Earthspace companions.

The paying passenger,
Stewart Average-Size wants to get to Mars. He’s been rather enjoying the work that the Arcadia has been giving him though.

Defined the
Gift 11 Rebellion- The warship Gift 11 was supposed to start raiding Earthspace settlements around the Flat Point from Procyon to the Sol system, currently one lightyear away from Neptune. Instead, Gal Qixtar knew the ship’s Captain, at least the Crig’s Captain, Space Joe and was able to convince him to mutiny and join Earthspace’s defense forces.

Karen Complex
A forty-mile long and ten miles in radius cylinder made up of over one thousand individual space stations. It is magnetically tethered to be at the middle point between Pluto and Charon. The gravitational variations move massive structures that act like pistons which supplement the heat within the enclosed structure.
Speed 10
Maneuver 5
Offense 65
Defense 1990
Armor 200
Notes: Inside the casing is a group of Spot Stations, some 1,060 of them. This includes the Omega Station, one of the Oort Corps HQs for the transneptunian regions. The Complex while very sturdy relies on a medium-sized navy as its main source of protection. The TNO Command’s “Battlegroup Cerebus” specifically.  

Odo Maximus a very accomplished Crig of the warrior caste who is sent to find Nextemi and protect her, just like his commander Space Joe.

The Crig Princeling, Space Joe

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A World a Week: Still Around If In the Background

 Some Gonzop notes

Boon Vs Racoo

Boon- Descended from baboons. The most dominant species in a lot of the known world. Prone to rage and violence. Their sharp teeth and strong claws make them rather deadly but really bad at handling Old World artifacts.

PHYSICAL plus 10
2D+2D for hand and bite attacks.
MEN SR at 15 not to rage out.

Boon PC notes:


Catter- Cat humanoids. Somewhat asocial as a species, these are not “lion people.” They are more like panther people. They are not blessed with “Coo Mitts” and have a hard time with Old World artifacts. Many would rather be comfortable than fierce because they are themselves Old World artifacts according to their lore.

LUCK plus 5

2D+2d3 for hand and bite attacks.
MEN SR not to start hunting.

Catter PC notes:


Gunbun- Kind of a rat and rabbit mixed together humanoid. Very adept at living on the land around them. They can adapt quickly to new surroundings, but Old World artifacts are a bit hard for them to grasp, literally.
Hearing, Smell, and Sight SRs all get +5
LUCK plus 10

3D Kick Attack or Defense

Quitch- Land walking squid. Very technologically advanced. Their life-suits help them use the Old World technology, but it is totally alien to them.

MENTAL plus 10

Quitch PC notes:

They are the second batch of their brood so must work hard to establish themselves among it and the colony overall. This one will be encouraged by the Brood Superior to become an expert of the Above Waters around them. They will be assigned special missions with which they will earn their esteem and status over time.

Racoo- Humanoid raccoon species. Tends to be more intelligent and civilized than most creatures, especially the Boon. Because of their peculiar-shaped hands, old world artifacts fit rather nicely

MENTAL plus 5

LK SR +10 when exploring old World artifacts

Racoo PC notes:

Skeeter- They call themselves the Cursed. Others call them the Curse. Mosquito-faced humanoids that must consume their weight in blood every week not to become mindless.

MEN SR at 15 not to be in blood lust

Skeeter PC notes:



One of the exploration bases for the North Flow Quitch. It is becoming large enough to be considered a colony though it is in fresh water. There are the appropriate materials to keep the residences and Life-Suits salty and fresh enough to be mostly comfortable. Still seen as a backwater among the nation.

Kewl Stuff:

It’s underwater!

High tech.

Charg Valley

The antique shop by the river

Kewl Stuff:

Sland Hills


Kewl Stuff:

Lab Settled

From the Pier to Nowhere up to the Rain Gutters

Kewl Stuff: The Last Human (Lich)

Friday, November 15, 2024

Star Wars- Take One

 To be clear, these game sessions are deconstructions of a Star Wars-like science fiction story.

So the Border Wars were where the Dominion and Independent Space set their borders. These conflicts of course has only led to an uneasy peace.

The Malta Sector is one of fourteen sectors where the Dominion feels that it stopped short. Lord Agrieve has decided to address that situation. He has moved a Doom Moon complete with a squadron of cruisers into the Atlam solar system, Not only imposing his view of Dominion will into the sector, he's taken Baroness Lea, whom everybody calls "Princess Lay-Ah" as a prisoner.

TraAl 64: Sandtrap
Capitol of the Atlam solar system. Most populated world of the Malta sector. It is in the closest star system to the Dominion. Noted for its black market trade of goods from the Independent Worlds into the Dominion. It’s ruling family, the Leas, mispronounced as “the Lay-Ahs” instead of “lee” is an off-shoot of the Bulka monarchy of Ariolla Markt.
Populations: Humans 38%, Crig 5%, Tusker 5%
At the Equator
: Blazing desert
At the Poles: Frosty sand
Capital: Organic City
Space Ports: All sorts of them.
Places of Interest: Lea Manors, Trade Alliance Towers, the Primrose Embassy
Notes: The Organic Clan are a cast-way clan of the Bulka monarchists. Unauthorized landings are viewed with varying amount of indifference.
Robin: Baroness Organic Lea “Princess Lay-Ah”

Will our protagonists Captain Treb, Professor Sparkfuse, and Jumkor Wot come to save her? If they aren't inclined, I am more than willing to railroad things.

Ben: Professor Grizzle Sparkfuse (Synthesizer) Wild Child psychic ability
    Big Idea: “Fabricating a Laser-Sword”- the prototype gets +2 to Fix-It Saves
: Treb Sard ChirCaptain Treb(Scrapper)
Curtis: Jumkor Wot (Spacer) Wild Child psychic ability