Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Non-Start to 2025's Spacers: 180°


Scenario The 812 War (1-2501):
the Arcadia is in Earthspace. “Earth space” doesn’t just mean species from Terra are dominant, it means these are the homeworlds of all Terran species. Like 99% of those are humans, but there are Chimps and Dolphins (Nu-dolphins) as well as some dogs and cats that are considered sentient citizens of these territories.

Alezander Delu is here because he has a genetic disease known as DULcina-167. It was a control measure worked into clone broods on Mars back in the Bad Old Days. The Spacer now knows his family on the red planet has been lying to him. He also needs the remedy for it.

Nextremi 37 seems to have had an incredible effect on Arodda (NPC) the Crig Hive-Queen of Wise Key 27. Last seen test driving the space vessel with Punches Pilot an UnbeliebaBot (very human-like android). She is being sought by the Crig General Space Jo who is under secret orders by his Matron. 

Gal Qixtar, the spy for the Kodoan 7th Federation of the Devvah species, is tasked with reporting on the Pannee invasion and to make things harder for either the Earthers or them, or both. His crewmates know that he’s a spy though. He finds it hard to mess with his Earthspace companions.

The paying passenger,
Stewart Average-Size wants to get to Mars. He’s been rather enjoying the work that the Arcadia has been giving him though.

Defined the
Gift 11 Rebellion- The warship Gift 11 was supposed to start raiding Earthspace settlements around the Flat Point from Procyon to the Sol system, currently one lightyear away from Neptune. Instead, Gal Qixtar knew the ship’s Captain, at least the Crig’s Captain, Space Joe and was able to convince him to mutiny and join Earthspace’s defense forces.

Karen Complex
A forty-mile long and ten miles in radius cylinder made up of over one thousand individual space stations. It is magnetically tethered to be at the middle point between Pluto and Charon. The gravitational variations move massive structures that act like pistons which supplement the heat within the enclosed structure.
Speed 10
Maneuver 5
Offense 65
Defense 1990
Armor 200
Notes: Inside the casing is a group of Spot Stations, some 1,060 of them. This includes the Omega Station, one of the Oort Corps HQs for the transneptunian regions. The Complex while very sturdy relies on a medium-sized navy as its main source of protection. The TNO Command’s “Battlegroup Cerebus” specifically.  

Odo Maximus a very accomplished Crig of the warrior caste who is sent to find Nextemi and protect her, just like his commander Space Joe.

The Crig Princeling, Space Joe

1 comment:

  1. I still crack up every time I read "Karen Complex" (and consider its origins as the Pluto-Charon binary planetary system).
