Saturday, August 1, 2020

How Did This Chicken Leg Get on My Plate?

The mysterious so far...
Our recurring waitress, Matilda, name changed to protect the innocent, is pregnant with her first. She is an attractive woman with honey-blond hair and angular features, works too many hours. Some time before noon Caed and Rodney has lost two tubes of toothpaste. They were even in a different bag than where the former swears that she packed them. She being an honest upstanding person, I have to believe her. Then at 4;14pm, the power went out for up to thirty seconds, in the entire hotel. This was after we had been to see the Point Pleasant downtown area, which I will refer to as Mothman Plaza.
That out of the way...
Peryton was finally corralled into starting to run the Middle Earth Adventures for Cubicle 7. It took her two hours get over her avoidance complex and things really got going. The D&D-heds assembled got their D&D on and Robin schooled them on Tolkien baby. I was impressed with the game mechanics and how it reflected the tone of the books myself.


  1. I love most all things Tolkien, really wish could have been there for that! Drink a yeangling beer for me!

  2. If you get a chance check out the game books, they do a good job at catching the feel of Tolkien's fixations in the game mechanics.
