Sunday, November 1, 2020

Autmunal Awesomeness

 All Saints Day, the hangover of Summer's end harvest festivals comes rolling in. Appropriately in my region, the mild fall weather is giving into the mix of snow and wetness, driving any revelers from the ditches of their drunken stupors into the church pews and back into the humble abodes. Snow could be very well on the way. Where if one listens they can hear the howl of winter, as the cold front moves in.

Pumpkin Spice and Awesome Sauce

With a little help from some friends.
My own Halloween works didn't make it into Elder Tunnels Halloween this release. Everything I started working on just became too large and too intricate to be wrapped into a ready to scenario for a quick zine. Naw, Guys like Werdna, Scott Malthouse, and JerryTel, Jerry Teleha can do the 14-17 thousand worded scenarios with enough detail and atmosphere without needing to draw out a whole world from the GM.

I have been more into Autumn than just the Samhain-spectacular. While the RPG group has been focusing on the superhero story line and our crises on multiple worlds, my own notes have been on the focused on the time periods where everyone dressed up like people on oatmeal boxes. You know the pirates and wagoneers that used pikes and muskets to spread religious love and harmony throughout Europe and the New World. Where witches were burnt at stakes and slaves were all the rave, because indentured servants had rights. A more horrifying than Halloween but still muskets mixed with magic i