Saturday, August 3, 2024

GenCon 2024: Ken's Not Dead Yet

 Speaking with JerryTel over at the GenCon Auction last night (Friday, August 2nd) he asked if Peryton or I had heard anything about Ken St Andre. There was a rumor going around that he had passed on. Well we had not heard anything and scrolled our media feeds and found nothing. I did say, "Well leave it to him to die on the Friday at GENCON." Still the three of us regaled a couple nicer and funny stories as one does when hearing such things. From what I can tell, this bit of gossip is exaggerated.

We moved on into reality, we are at GENCON the best four days in gaming. Since Wednesday night, Jerry has been sending me pictures of brews at favorite bars. Robin arrived late Wednesday so we only showed up on Thursday. I've completed my four events, only three went off. All were Crawlspace variations and little tales into the supernatural. With only me running events for three years now, "Peryton Gamers" is getting assigned spare rooms at the Marriott one day and the Hyatt the next day. Shuffling from one gig to another instead of having my primo spots at the JW Marriott.

On Thursday AM into noon"13 Ghosthunters" designed for, well, thirteen players had two participants. Laura and Seth were great. Really did the minor celebrity thing well for the first act. For the second and concluding act, they completed the ghost story and helped solve the mystery to find a missing kid sister. I hope

"The Seance"
taking place a little after lunch, was full plus. Twelve player slots, eleven full seats around the two tables-- dammit missed one. Long time players, Ryan and Kaitlyn, along with a whole slough of new folks showed up. Of course I did not have enough PC sheets so we went without the sheets and turned the card mechanics into a paperless parlor game-- rather fitting for the work, I think. Things got wild, people were having fun. I had to move around the table and folks started doing that Crawlspace thing where they started moving around as well and scripting their own tales while I was busy. Ah perfection. I kept it short and campy. Kaitlyn really rocked in her role as a grieving widow. After the game local RPGers and I exchanged numbers for in town get-togethers. I look forward to seeing how this pans out.

The third event didn't have any players show, so Robin hit the 6:30pm traffic jam and headed to the flat. Pizza and sci-fi TV were had in bathrobes. Later, after my nightly nap, I woke up and finished my notes for "The Sleep Study 4: the Light Sleeper" Friday's concluding event. 

Friday's event started at the Hyatt at 1pm. Of course Robin made sure we would not be any earlier than 12:45. I forgot how efficient the Hyatt is, pizza, Starbucks, a dine-in spot, a bar complete with open gaming areas and conference rooms all within two meters of each other. It's a small game fest in and of itself while GENCON happens around it. The before game panics all happened in the same building, in a small contained area when compared to the mile or so of where everything else goes on.

Light Sleeper had the pros of Crawlspace as players. Robin/Peryton co-creator, Natalie modified the game for her Supernatural TV show LARPS, and Michael whose played in at least one session at GenCon for over a decade. Their characters had me trying to keep up with them as I tried to craft my tale. Really I had to be on my toes. I felt comfortable enough with this group to not only go scary but creepy (as in blue). The appropriate level of disdain was shown by all, but that did not stop a high quality horror-thriller from unfolding. Wait I take that back Robin did show me an "X" card, but no one listened. It was a good and scary session, the "R-rated" tales that we usually get around midnight.

And then freedom...