Saturday, August 13, 2022

GenCon 22: Back to Big Blue

On Saturday night at GenCon during my Crawlspace scenario "Scary Monsters and Super Creeps" someone found a reason for everyone at the table to identify their pronouns. I was beginning to think it was not going to happen. For all the warnings from many about "the wokists" being all over the convention, supposedly as ubiquitous as police informers at an antifa get-together. I came face to face with the advent that so many of the more, well, reactionary gamers warned me about. There it was, right in front of me. I could only say "Finally." I was so damned proud. The cool kids are showing up at my games! 

It's not like I wasn't busy before then though. There I was at GenCon. Thrown into the indy game ghetto of the third floor suites of the JW Marriott, Suite 313 to be exact. There was only one other official event in my room all four days of the convention. I was either at the end of the world or had finally gotten my corner office. Folks would come in the late evening to do open gaming and some partying as my evening games were finishing up, but for six out of my seven games I had a private setting with a great view.

Thursday's morning event was a Monsters! Monsters!/Tunnels & Trolls session called "Off the Rez." I had not prepared the pregenerated Characters for the session, so we did a quick roll up. The group were a band of goblins, but I forgot modify their Stats because, you know, GM busy-ness. Most of my listed encounters were pretty much overpowered, but we concentrated antics and storyline instead. The players were downright rebellious in disregarding my leads, but were being hilarious. The ten or so players were a pleasant mix of teenagers, folks, in their 20s, and a couple of guys close to my age, which happens to have been my target audience for this event. I met Todd Petersen the author "Raganrok Tunnels" for DT&T as well. Awarding the copy of M!M! signed by Ken St Andre to one of the players was only a part of my salesmanship. I hoped to be spreading some sales of all things Tunnels-ish. Of course, I'd find out an hour later that Flying Buffalo did not show up to Indy-- typical luck me.

My Thursday night game "Night of the Cryptids II: Bigfoot Babies" was surprisingly a wash. But I demoed the Crawlspace system to three guys from Peoria, Illinois. I'd run into them throughout the week. We have plans for the Wednesday night party next year.  I'd get the email from the folks that had bought the tickets telling me that they couldn't show up later in the night.

On Friday I ran my homebrew Gotham City PD Major Crimes "Two Jokers in the Deck" to a full house. Major Crimes is a whole lot of fun for me. This group of players was especially creative. The plot developed nicely as well as the climax of session being a really big bang. Because of their antics during the course of play, I have some ideas for next year. It's going to quite a production. This will be because of these guys. 

"The Horrible Fate of the Haunted House Hunters" went great. This repeat of a favorite Crawlspace event, just goes great every running. This year the Deputy's Player, Brennan would get the killing started early. My NPC, pervy-douchy Tom died from an accidental shotgun blast, though the PCs would not know this for a few scenes yet. Oh that Delaney Mansion gets 'em every time.

Crawlspace's "The Sleep Study" was not only full, but Mister Geiger from previous years graced the scenario. I felt like I was struggling, the gang around me seemed to be enjoying themselves. While I was pretty much railroading everybody, I did keep things creepy. Nose bleeds to incest, it stayed interesting. I'd end up having beers with a new bru named Ryan and his twin brother.  Of course when I was trying to have dinner and drink with the boys, Robin would phone me. She had finally showed up and would not leave the car. It was time to go.

Saturday noon, I'd run Peryton's Crawlspace scenario "TerrorHog". Luckily there were only four players, but what players they were. One was a perfect voice actor, another was indeed a professor, the other played the indolent technician too well, and being a diva came natural to our anchorman character. The author herself would show up and play as well. I think my choices made the session as interesting as the movie (Hogzilla) that it is based off of, but Robin was there to point out everything that she thought I missed. She'd also go on to post her thoughts online. Godshead woman, no pressure or anything, eh?

The previously mentioned "Scary Monsters, Super Creeps" was awesome. Despite my weariness, I kept the players in a perpetual state of creep out. Not to brag, but I would love to see the movie that I constructed in everyone's mind on TV. It was that good of a UFO horror story.

Peryton and I would spend the rest of Saturday and Sunday, leisurely enjoying the small city of dorks that downtown Indianapolis was. And pizza. We enjoyed all sorts of pizza. She'd stay on until Monday morning. It was a wonderful culmination to my "Convention Season" this year.

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