Thursday, February 16, 2023

Over Tolkien Rehash this Year

As you might've heard, Iron Curtis is complaining that Peryton Gamers group has been getting a little quiet on the RPG get-together side of things. He's right, our group's slow down for the Holidays has been going on for a couple months. Though Crazy Ivan, Ivan Richmond, has started highlighting his Dream of Dragons ("D of D"), but that is only one game. It's not the usual two or three campaigns that we have going on.
Here's the quick preview:
Beyond Bog, Not Desert Planet  (Spacers 22-23) March to November
Wobble: Alejandro Quest part 2, May, July, September
The Starry Tower T&T, concluded by June

At the same time, the TOG rules system takes things to 21 and beyond. It's a speaker going to 11 instead of ten, but for whatnot in a roleplaying game. Why stop at level 20? A bit seriously, I really want to try out the system. Yes sorry game designer friends, I wrote the product without years of brooding over the D20 yes, come on it's "roll over/under 15, always a success" already.  Over the Summer into Winter, and probably into 2024, even with the conventions, I want to try out the rules.

And I'm looking at an older campaign world that has cropped up here from time to time. Announcing the 21 levels of Gonzop.

The "gonzo" world, meaning fantasy with very few dwarven kingdoms, will be the map that I force myself to stick to for the campaign. It's not really post-apocalyptic, but rather post-human. Let's call it Ethanol-Punk or Sorcery and Solar Power as its subgenre.


  1. Did you just sink the Atlas Mountains?

  2. If you took the Magnetic pole of the Earth and threw it just south of Patagonia and allowed for 200,000 years of geology, were looking at North America.
