Saturday, July 2, 2022

As Time Goes By, July 2 2022

 The T&T campaign for Wizards is still ongoing
It's at the halfway point according to my paperwork. Not that that means anything in terms of the tabletopping. After being attacked by yet again another gug and then a batch of what can only be described as dream goblins and a pumpkin-head beast, I have been able to start dropping clues as to the great mystery of the scenario. The PCs Max Kitch, Zel (short for zomething or anozer), and Jazon have started to climb the Starry Tower and have discovered eleven Stargazer adepts trapped within the walls of their living areas.
Looking at my notes, once again, I down with the normal stuff. Not that much of what has happened has been very typical.

The Spacers games might be alternating with Wobble
I always have a lot of notes that I make that I can apply to the Wobble settings. Ben was not able to make it to the last Sci-Fi Saturday session, so Iron Curtis and Peryton agreed to jump back into the Tau Verse with their Characters, Professor Rudy and Daisy Adair. Their albatross-class wobble-boat was attacked by pirates but saved by Banana-boat fighters patrolling the area that they were in.
The Spacers is still going on, but spacefaring sci-fi and gonzo sci-fi just makes life so much richer to me.

Venger Satanists Defeats Abortion for OSR Gamers
To be flip, I've watched the GM/Author Darrick Dishaw do Provocateur Publishing with some adeptness over the last month, maybe six weeks-- my real counting is focused elsewhere on matters of money concerning me. 

Talks about Family-Values after mass shootings, but a GM/Author that understands working
He's taken the advice from many of self-assumed betters in the OSR telling him to not be so... well, topical and said "fuck off." Venger, as he's colloquially known, has taken events from the headlines of the real world and produced scenarios pretty much to meant to be stricken down by the main provider of roleplaying PDFs, One Bookshelf (often called OBS(WTF?) ). True to Kortthalis Publishing standards, Christian values, as pedaled by a guy with the name Satan in his nickname, were referenced in two works. And guess what? They were taken down. The controversy continued along its manufactured vector with a bag-gas collection of commentators calling themselves OSR complaining about OBS's "editorial policies".
The folks at OBS, much easier to type than One Bookshelf P (Publishing, PDF-providing, Productions... et al), err, went into reactionary mode and came up with contributing authors' guidelines about not doing what Venger is doing. They called it "Hostile Marketing." They also went on to include author's blog posts and other media presence to be a basis for exclusion from their sales outlet. Which gave more voice to many more artists of the RPG field to raise their voice, and rekindle their media presence, to the controversy. As it stands to date, Venger's second inflammatory work, something about Gay Pride month, was accepted, as long as there were some edits. I can't wait to read print copies of both works. I'm not downloading that sort of shit onto my PC though.
For the cottage industry of RPG what does it all mean?
Hell, it's sales. But does it sell?

Meanwhile, this happened
Robin, that's Peryton, has worked with Beckett, Beckett Warren, to take a lot of material and make the sexiest version of the Crawlspace game to date. A lot of that a lot has been by me. This stuss has built up for the years of Crawlspacing at tabletops with me as the Producer/Director of many of the gigs. I think that is why she included me as a coauthor. You all should buy about 20 print copies each.

Remember this Independence Day folks, that you have nine more fingers after too much alcohol and access to gunpowder has led to a slight malfunction. Don't be a wuss, but this time have someone hold your beer.


  1. May's Cha'alt adventure, The Good Syma'arian, defeated abortion in America... will June's Cha'alt adventure, Rainbow Crystal Utopia, curb LGBTQ+ activism? Tune-in to the culture war for unexpected answers, marketing lessons from green-skinned freaks, and much more!

  2. Enjoyed this rabbit hole into current RPG publishing politics. Thanks.
    - SMiles
