Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween '21 part 5: A World a Week- Lake Blood Moon

 Back about ten years ago, funny how time passes like that, Scott Malthouse posted around December about his Peakvale campaign. The setting was supposed to be his gotcha campaign that would be an analogy on the social realities of modern day Britain. At the same time, him and I were talking about roleplaying in general and the potentials of the 2D6 system that was T&T. One of the things we talked about was a Ravenloft style setting that would be called "Lake Blood Moon". This would turn into a whole slew of scenarios, but we'd never pull it all together. 

Not for lack of trying though. The list at the page linked above is flawed, Scott produced a few more than the one scenario for this setting in my part of the cottage. Check other pages at the site. They're there, and I know people find them just from sales.

So imagine a variety of RPG realms united by the theme of Player-Characters being involved in plots against, or at at least involved with, supernatural undertakings around them. All of these situations using 2D6 in a matrix established by Ken St Andre. They would be centered around the locale known as Lake Blood Moon.

I always figured that maps would vary. My own were mostly based on mythical takes on Michigan, Ireland, and western-most England, with some northeastern Ohio worked in.

There would be "dark lords" and realms with their own specific atmospheres. Rest assured all the settings should have a strong basis in relatable horror. My starting notes tend to stick towards the left side of map presented above.

Moving from west to east, my tales would develop. My small city of Bend would be a trading center that was plagued by frequent vampire outbreaks and the not too infrequent werewolf. Up in the Midlands, a particularly deranged farmer would become the dark lord of scarecrows inhabited by the souls of individuals that he himself had killed. The lands around him just loved him and his blood sacrifices. The Straits would become my 18th Century-style hub of commerce and chicanery. My Victorian era heroes and antiheroes should be facing  murder mysteries leading into Hammer Horror films B-films. The overall concepts would become the basis for my Pitchfork Pictures for my Crawlspace: Gothic setting.

All this said, Lake Blood Moon tales should be completed and knitted together.

You all have any thoughts?

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