Saturday, August 24, 2019

Rick Loomis is Dead

A fellow that I have known since 1986, is dead. He was a game producer, not so much an author as far as I know. He always knew how to throw a party and deal with people that disagreed with him without distraction or redirection. And he provided me with a replacement copy of T&T 5th more than one time. One thing to say about him, he was always a bit fearless and respected that in other people.

Sometime in 1999, a shared associate, Shippy would start the first of his "I Want Ownership of T&T " campaigns. After months of my main publishing man at the time, James L Shipman, antagonizing Loomis and FBI, Rick would finally open up and declare it was theft to be trying to revamp T&T  into anybody's brand that he and few friend's own. Outlaw press's little president would start to show himself as bit more than flawed by ignoring the open challenge. I would not though by asking, "You don't think that I am stealing from you?" Loomis would reply, "No you're not. You're good at what you do."

A bit to learn about ppl in general when I first saw deeper into his character. I was walking with Ken St Andre and him back to their car at GenCon, Ken started going on about his hip, and I was bit clueless as to deal with the situation. Rick would walk up and offer to walk faster to go get his car and come get us if we weren't up to his pace. Ken would stare him back and buck up. Despite having been an NCO in the US Army, I learned something about leadership from him that day.

The party years would include meeting scores of people and gaming. Flying to Arizona to game and party with people that were up until that point kind of mythical to me. Always Rick asserted his conservative values and Christianity to me. Even when I departed from the accepted fold of the crowd of FBI products, he'd still invite me for drinks and try to point me in his decided right direction.

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